How modify point coordinate for a cad file

CrisWu New Altair Community Member
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A



I imported a cad file in hypermesh, and i want to modify the coordinates of some point of the geometry before meshing. Does any know how to view the coordinates and modify them in hypermesh ?







  • Sanjay Nainani_20973
    Sanjay Nainani_20973 New Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 30



    I don't know any direct process, but you can try my method.


    First go to Geom>>temp nodes and add nodes at the edges.


    The go to Geom>>nodes>>XYZ. Here triple click any node and it should give you the exact co-ordinates of that node.


    Note these down.

    Then go to tools>>translate and translate the node to any position you want.


    Also instead of translate you can create a new node where you want to translate the original one.

    Then press F3 (replace panel) and replace the node.


    Please note: You need the 3 XYZ values that is exact coordinates for proper positioning.



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 30



    I imported a cad file in hypermesh, and i want to modify the coordinates of some point of the geometry before meshing. Does any know how to view the coordinates and modify them in hypermesh ?






    Hypermesh is NOT CAD software. So it's not possible.

    But for simple geometry, you can base on original geometry to create new ones within Hypermesh. In this case, you can modify coordinates of points used for your new geometry.


  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited 2018 30

    Hypermesh can modify some cad features like holes, offsets

    Try enter panel Geom>dimensioning

    click 2 points 

    if dimension has '&' you can click it to change

    press f1 for guiding