ERROR: "Insufficient memory to run optimization. Increase the Minimum Thickness in the Run Optimization window"

Esham Amogh
Esham Amogh Altair Community Member
edited February 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello, I am running a topology optimization of a complex design in Inspire 2022.3 with a student license. I am running a stiffness optimization with maximum frequency constraints and minimum member size constraints. The auto minimum member size shows 2.5 mm, and when I run with a member size of 2.5 mm or below, I get an error: "Insufficient memory to run optimization. Increase the Minimum Thickness in the Run Optimization window." The folder in which the run history path is located has 350 GB free space. It's strange to see this error. I want to run with a minimum member size below 2 mm to get good results. Can someone please help me with this issue? Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    minimum member size dictates indirectly the mesh size of your model.

    by defining a certain min memb, the average mesh size will be around 1/3 of it. in your case, roughly ~0.8mm which might lead to a fairly large model, needind a lot of RAM memory and hard disk.


    Usually you could start with larger min memb (i.e 4mm), and check the general look of the optimized strutuct.

  • Esham Amogh
    Esham Amogh Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    minimum member size dictates indirectly the mesh size of your model.

    by defining a certain min memb, the average mesh size will be around 1/3 of it. in your case, roughly ~0.8mm which might lead to a fairly large model, needind a lot of RAM memory and hard disk.


    Usually you could start with larger min memb (i.e 4mm), and check the general look of the optimized strutuct.

    Thank you very much for the response. I ran with a minimum member size of 3mm and got a result with a checkerboard problem. I couldn't extract the optimized shape for manual reconstruction because I wanted to validate the optimized shape by performing an FEA.  Basically, the PolyNURBS shaping algorithm failed. 

    Next, I tried to run with a member size of 2mm, 2.5 mm. Unfortunately, I got an error for insufficient memory.  I have 16GB of RAM and 500 GB space on hard disk.  Could you please suggest system requirements for running topo with a member size below 2mm? I am currently doing a project at the university.

    In the end, I need the optimized shape as a solid for performing FEA. 

    I tried this way: STL->CAD->Manual reconstruction. But it is super difficult to convert STL to solid for complex designs. Could you please suggest how to proceed with this?

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration.