Loading LS Dyna GLSTAT file in Hypergraph using TCL

Sai91 Altair Community Member
edited June 2021 in Community Q&A

Dear All,

I am trying to open LS Dyna's GLSTAT file in Hypergraph Automatically. 

Following is my script

hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle sess
sess GetProjectHandle proj
proj GetPageHandle pg1 1
pg1 GetWindowHandle win1 1
win1 SetClientType Plot
win1 GetClientHandle plot1
set curve_1 [plot1 AddCurve]
plot1 GetCurveHandle curve1 $curve_1
curve1 GetVectorHandle xvector1 x
curve1 GetVectorHandle yvector1 y
xvector1 SetType File
yvector1 SetType File
set filename "File/glstat"
xvector1 SetFilename $filename
yvector1 SetFilename $filename
xvector1 SetDataType “Time”
yvector1 SetDataType “Energy”
yvector1 SetRequest “Kinetic Energy”
yvector1 SetComponent “Energy”
plot1 Recalculate
plot1 Autoscale
plot1 Draw
hwi CloseStack


The same script works for nodout but unfortunately I am unable to do the same for GLSTAT

Can anyone please help me or guide me to overcome this problem

Thanks for your support in advance !!


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021

    i'm sorry, i'm not familiar to GLSTAT.

    If you load it manually, does it work ok? just a sanity check.