using SpiceCustom block with hyper spice component

i try to use spicecustomblock with spice component in the same file, seems like it is not supported? if it is support how do i do it?
screenshot belows shows i combine two built in examples (DCDCBulkconverter and DC motor model)
in the same file and try to simulate and i encountered error message further down in another screenshot
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
error message
Hi Leow,
Yes you found a bug but with a workaround. In Spice the first line MUST be a comment, however here we need to specify the comment when 2 Spice instances are used (one through the custom block, the other through the pallet).
You can double click on the customblock, then double click and edit the netlist of it and simply add a '*' at the first line to force the line to be a comment (see picture below in red)
Then the testcase will run properly.