Set Animation Mode in Hyperview
Hi Emil,
Please try the 'hwIPage SetAnimationMode'.
The sample code is following.
set t [::post::GetT];
hwi OpenStack;
hwi GetSessionHandle sess$t;
sess$t GetProjectHandle proj$t;
proj$t GetPageHandle page$t [proj$t GetActivePage];
page$t GetAnimatorHandle anim$t;
page$t GetWindowHandle wind$t [page$t GetActiveWindow];
page$t SetAnimationMode modal;
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Thanks a lot Imoto.. It worked perfectly.
I would like to get one more help.I am looking for a tcl command by which I will get a zoomed image/ animation of the area at which the displacement or stress is showing max value.
for instance, I am able to the displacement contour of a model , then look for the max displacment node, show only the particular part at which max value is showing and save the gif file of the same. but apart from this I am looking to get another image/gif file after zooming into the area max displcament.
For the last step I am not able to get the tcl command.
Your help is appreciated.
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Hi Emil,
In my recomendation, you should use the ARD (Automated Reporting Director), which is a part of PSO solutions.
ARD has the all feature you are looking for.
Please visit our website.