HyperMesh Subsystem Browser effected entity states?

When using the HM subsystem browser to reconfigure my overall model I don't understand why clicking on a configuration effects both the "active" and "export" states of all the parts/components but only effects the "active" state of items such as loads, groups (contacts), rigid body joins, sets, etc (essentially anything other than geometry/mesh)?
In other words when I select a new configuration from the subsystem browser it changes these effected items "active" state but does not switch the "export" state. Therefore I have to manually change the export state of each of these items to match the active state before I export the deck.
Why can't the behaviour of these items be the same as the part/component items where both states are switched at once?
If this was the case then a total model reconfiguration would be possible with a single click of the particular configuration required in the subsystem browser?
Is this behaviour possible to change or am i missing something here as to why this isn't already the case?
Hello Richard,
Configuration of subsystems affect the complete export state of the subsystems.
If your entities are into a subsystem that is not called in your configuration, because include is not exported the status of the entities into this file doesn't matter.
The active states are helping you to isolate graphically which entities are activated into your configuration.
At the export, just pay attention to selected Custom export or Modified to taking account of the state of susbsystems that are activated.
Does it answer to your questions?
Arthur0 -
Hello Authur.
This makes sense to me however i must be missing something because it doesn't seem to function like this for me?
For example, in subsystem browser when i select a configuration that activates a particular subsystem (i.e. include file) i look into the Entity State browser and all items from that particular subsystem are now marked as "active" but items such as Load Collectors and Groups are not also marked as "export".
Therefore when i export solver deck (in my case LS_Dyna) using "custom" (and " merge" for include export) those items not marked "export" are not exported into my deck.
I must manually go into the Entity State browser and turn on the export state of those items now marked as "active".
I don't get it.
The parts/components set both the active and export flags upon turning on item through configuration/subsystem browser, so why can't all the items?