(simlab) *** ERROR: error occurred executing acuSolve" How to fix it ?

Hi guys. I followed this tutorial "Piezoelectric Flow energy Harvester : A fluid structure interaction (DC-FSI)
I already set up mesh and solution but when I started update solution in Coupled Solution (Flow - Structural) I faced this problem
in Solving log files
---------------------- Begin Time Step ----------------------
acuSolve: Time-Step= 1 ; timeInc= 1.000000e-002 ; time= 0.000000e+000
acuSolve: External-Code stagger "external_code":
acuSolve: For all structural external_code_surfaces:
acuSolve: Ave fld-sld mesh gap = 2.245669e-009
acuSolve: Max fld-sld mesh gap = 7.731059e-007
acuSolve: Min allowed gap = 9.654899e-009
acuSolve: Max allowed gap = 1.712737e-008
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <ecdSetFatalError> File <ecd.c> Line <4324>
acuSolve: *** Fluid mesh unable to track external surfaces at 27 quadrature points,
the gap between them exceeds allowed value.
If a tight limit is set for allowed gap, try increasing it.
If the limit is loose, then external surfaces have large movements,
which could be expected, try reducing time step size
acuRun: *** ERROR: error occurred executing acuSolve"
acuRun: Thu Jul 22 10:11:34 2021
Does anyone faced this similar problem or anyone can suggest me to fix this problem ? Thanks
Best Answer
In cases like this where the 'contact' or 'communicating' surfaces between the Fluids and Structural models should always be matching - set both Gap and Gap Factor to zero. This removes the limit on search distance for communication.
In cases like this where the 'contact' or 'communicating' surfaces between the Fluids and Structural models should always be matching - set both Gap and Gap Factor to zero. This removes the limit on search distance for communication.