Why I cannot run the simulation??

Javier Mediavilla Hidalgo
Javier Mediavilla Hidalgo Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi!! I wanna simulate my front wing of my car, but when I press the run button, automatically , it gives me an error and I don't know what is the reason. Can anyone help me??

Thanks you!!


(Here is the log file):


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    This is the error from the Log file:

    acuPrep: Processing ELEMENT_SET( "FW_Definitivo.prt SolidBody_2_8" )
    acuPrep: *** ERROR: Negative Jacobian for element 757961

    It looks like you're using Version 2022 of the solver - so I assume same version for pre-processor, looks like probably HyperWorks CFD. (Which pre-processor did you use?)  I would suggest trying a newer version of the pre-processor for generating the mesh, as I seem to recall one of the older versions did have some issues creating 'inside-out' volume elements.

    Bottom line - error in the volume mesh, with a likely fix of using a newer version.  Current is HyperMesh CFD 2023 (notice the name product change from HyperWorks CFD to HyperMesh CFD) and CFD Solvers 2023.