How we can export data from probing to test or excel sheet?

Ajit W
Ajit W Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Let say i ran model with 10 load steps. Initially  I probed 50 locations in hyper view from first load step and after I have to probe the same 50 location from remaining 9 steps. 

1. How we can probe all 50 locations in all 10 load steps?

2. How we can export the same data in excel sheet?



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2020

    by probe, i assume that you mean you have created a 'measure' and maybe plotted it.


    If you have these notes, just change the step to another.

    Or you can create a derived loadcase, of type 'Steps', concatenatting all the 10 steps into a single one.


    So, if you have this measure, change to the derived combinated step, and then go to 'create curve' in the measure panel.

    After this, it will be plotted in a HyperGraph window that can be exported in CSV format.



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>image.thumb.png.aa0470667a047ce539e5e7d707a23917.png

  • Ajit W
    Ajit W Altair Community Member
    edited June 2020

    Thank you Adriano! It was very helpful. Now I tried 'Envelope option in derived load case. And it is giving me what I need.

    Thanks a lot!

    This link shows the same.