Particle adhesion parameter for large number of particles

Kiran Purushothama Keshavan
Kiran Purushothama Keshavan Altair Community Member
edited February 2024 in Community Q&A


I have a total of 40 plus particle diameter sizes for my simulation and I want to apply particle surface energy for all of them.
The surface energy tab looks something like this as given in the screenshot.

My question is:
1. Is there a way to give surface energy values for all particles at once?
2. I also see a lot of particle names in the list which have been repeating, why does this happen? (Refer screen shot 2)

Please clarify.




  • Payal Pawar_20288
    Payal Pawar_20288
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Kiran,

    Can you let me know what Altair product you are using so that I can direct your question to the proper forum?