Time, time step and nonlinear iteration information in material UDF

Hi there.
I am working on implementing a grain growth and recrystallization model into the user-defined material model. Since the model is history based, I need the time and timestep information inside of the material model. Right now I am working with fixed time steps and not using nonlinear iterations.
There is a UDF_MaterialModels manual which I got from Altair from the year 2012 were all the input variables (res()) are stated. I was discussing last year with Altair to add the time and timestep information into this existing array which has empty indices from 17 to 35 according the manual. I just tried to find if anything has been added and at least for 17 and 18 found some values.
Is time and time step and possibly number of nonlinear iterations already available in the res() array? Is there an update of the manual stating the additional values?
There is also another manual for user defined results which is also very old (from 2012). Is there also an update for it?
Thanks and best regards.
Hello @Johannes Kronsteiner ,
How are you?
1. We have scheduled the addition of time data in UDF and it is next in the pipeline.
2. UDF for user material - there is no update to this.
Narendra Singh
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Hello Narendra.
Thank you very much. This is the most crucial part for us.
However, we would still be interested in having HX solver for quenching simulations with mapped results from the extrusion simulation.
All the best,
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Hello Narendra.
I have another but related question. Is it possible to extract results from Hyperxtrude from the profile and export it to Radioss, Optistruct or similar to perform a simulated tension test? My ideal case would be to even do it in HyperXtrude in order to use the UDF and results from extrusion directly.
All the best,