Optimal way to mesh my 3D model (3 phase conductors in an aluminum barrier with flux plates)

alexandre pelletier
alexandre pelletier Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A


I am a new user to Flux 3D and I could use some help regarding the meshing of my model. I am trying to make a 3 phase conductor in an aluminum barrier (similar to an insulated phase busduct but with 4 cables instead of 1 conductor). However, since it is the first time I am using Flux 3D, I have a lot of difficulties with my meshing, especially the one for the cylinder barriers. Since this design has 2 flux plate connected to both ends of the barriers, I cannot use Flux 2D

I do not understand why the mesh is such poor quality. When I try to modify the mesh generator used, I keep getting an error message regarding a face that has problems. 

Thanks a lot for your support, it is much appreciated!



  • Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hi Alexandre,

    Can you share the model with us?

    I will check the model and give recommendations to mesh your model.

    Thank you,


  • alexandre pelletier
    alexandre pelletier Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024


    Sure! It is my first 3D model so if there is anything I am not doing correctly feel free to let me know.

    Thanks much!

  • Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024


    Sure! It is my first 3D model so if there is anything I am not doing correctly feel free to let me know.

    Thanks much!

    Hi Alexandre,

    You have inactivated the aided mesh tool in your model, and the manual mesh you assigned is not good.

    I suggest activating the aided mesh tool by going to Mesh < Aided mesh < Edit < Select "Activated."

    With this, the aided mesh will take care of meshing the model optimally.

    Thank you,

  • alexandre pelletier
    alexandre pelletier Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024


    Thanks a lot for the recommandation. However, I think the aided mesh feature is not available in the Flux version I am using (10.4.1). Is there another solution?


    Best regards!