Average value of a signal

reza hakimi_20486
reza hakimi_20486 Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A


I wanted to measure the average value of a voltage signal. I searched in the software library, but I did not find a block.


Is there a block that can do this and has the ability to create code?



  • NikosDimitrakopoulos
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024

    Hi Reza,

    Yes, there is a block that calculates the average value of a voltage signal over a sampling period. It's the " Voltage Sensor (average)" block:


    There is also the "Current Sensor (average)" block that does the same for a current signal.

    To answer the 2nd part of your question, this block is not supported for automatic code generation.

    To be able to tell which blocks can be used for code gen, you can navigate to Options >> Settings >> Advanced, if the option box "Show image next to elements that can be used for code generation" is checked, a small "CG" image will appear next to these elements that can be used for code generation.


    You can always create your own custom average function with C code and the Simplified C block.

    Finally, if you want to calculate the signal average after the simulation is finished, there is also the average function option in SimView:


    Best regards,
