3D simulation optistruct

Max_21154 Altair Community Member
edited 2023 27 in Community Q&A

Dear all,

i´m trying to run a simulation with optistruct. I´m quite new to Hyperworks and usind the student version. I created a 3D model. The model should be fixed perpendicular to the northern and western edges and at the bottom in z-direction. On the eastern and southern edges there should be a enforced displacement by a certain value. Furthermore, a gravitation should act on the entire model. 

I created local coordinatesystems, SPC constraints and the gravity.

If i run the simulation the results are not as I want them to be. It seems that gravity is acting much too strong and the model is fixed at all edges in z-direction. I checked all units and the constraints but i couldn´t find any mistakes.

Thanks for help!

Kind regards


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 27

    you have probably imported the geometry in the wrong scale, as your model has a huge dimension.

    I assume from your material properties and gravity aacceleration that it would be in SI units.

    But your part has a huge dimension.

    You should probably adjust the model scale.




  • Max_21154
    Max_21154 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 27

    Thanks for your answer!

    I created the geometry in Optistruct using cartesian coordinates. It represents a part of Europe and should have a dimension of about 1000km x 550km. Is such a dimension problematic for optistruct? I will try to adjust the model scale and see if it helps.

    And yes, everything is in SI units!


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 27
    Max_21154 said:

    Thanks for your answer!

    I created the geometry in Optistruct using cartesian coordinates. It represents a part of Europe and should have a dimension of about 1000km x 550km. Is such a dimension problematic for optistruct? I will try to adjust the model scale and see if it helps.

    And yes, everything is in SI units!


    wow...it is huge..

    No problem with that, actually. I just wasn't expecting that.

    I've noticed that your mesh is only connected at the edges, and that's why your structure is bending so much in the middle. I believe you'd like to have the whole surface in contact, right?

    You could rebuild the mesh to have both fully connected or just use some FREEZE/TIE contact to couple these 2 parts.
