Mapping 2D Mesh onto 3D Object

I have a 2D surface meshed using tria-shell elements (Img 1) which I would like to use as a reference and mesh it onto the solid object (Img 2). Presently I need to define equivalence between both components which results in element distortion due mis-matched element's position and size. How can I use the shell elements of the surface component to 'project/map' 3D elements in to the solid component?
The solid component was created using the base surface and 3 addition surfaces as bounding surface.
use Geometry>edit>nodes>associate
The Associate subpanel creates an association between the selected nodes and a selected piece of geometry. Nodes are projected to the geometry, provided the distance to the selected geometry is within the search tolerance. The tolerance is used to create a search sphere at each of the selected nodes. If the selected geometry is found within that search sphere, the node is projected to the closest point on the geometry. An association is made within the database between the nodes (and corresponding elements) and geometry, so any subsequent selection routines can reference either entity; for example, if creating a boundary condition (such as a force, pressure, or constraint) on the geometry, the boundary condition will be applied to the nodes and or elements upon export.
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I am not sure what you want to do. The shell elements of base surface should still be in the model after tetrameshing. Use View>Browser>Hypermesh>Mask to show/hide 2D or 3D elements. You can copy or move the triangular shell elements into another component with Organize Panel (shift+F11).
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Just delete 'absorbed' shells, then enter panel Tools>faces to create faced elems of solid, and then move them to shells component