MotionSolve subroutine compiler

Sorry my english.
I'm testing a motionsolve subroutine, but I don`t know that is the compiler (version, etc) to make the dll.
Has anybody experience on this?
A dll can be complied by using:
* If the usersub code is C/C++ file, then the options are VC6 or VC7 or VC8
* If the usersub code is fortran file, then the options can be Compaq Visual Fortran 6 or Intel Fortran compiler
For more details on issues with MotionView or MotionSolve please email
Hope this answers your question.
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I've tried to compile a dll, but the model has failed, the message has been:
Initializing model ...
ERROR: Environment variable MS_USERSUBDLL not defined!
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Please create an environment variable and set the value of this to the dll you have refered in the model. Follow the steps below:
Create an environment variable MS_USERSUBDLL and set the value to the dll file.
For windows 32-bit platform users, this will be: <install_path>\optistruct\usersub\subdll\WIN32\ms_csubdll.dll
- Right-click on the My Computer icon, go to the Advanced tab, click on Environment variables and click New (under User variables).
- Set Variable name: to MS_USERSUBDLL.
- Set Variable value: to <install_path>\hwsolvers\usersub\subdll\win32\ms_csubdll.dll.