Error #2110

RBE2 with ID 715 has dependent nodes constrained with SPCs which is not valid. Instead constraint the independent node.
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How do I locate these nodes?
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Altair Forum User said:
How do I locate these nodes?
Since he gave you element try Tool -> Find -> Elem (by ID) -> 715
That should give you an element with (it sounds like) one end connected to the independent node and the other to the dependent node. At that point you can use Tool -> Delete -> Load and select the SPC at the dependent side of the element and hopefully that takes care of it.
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Altair Forum User said:
Since he gave you element try Tool -> Find -> Elem (by ID) -> 715
That should give you an element with (it sounds like) one end connected to the independent node and the other to the dependent node. At that point you can use Tool -> Delete -> Load and select the SPC at the dependent side of the element and hopefully that takes care of it.
using 13.0 Optistruct,doesn't appear to be a find tool.
Thanks KUWill
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oh never mind found it