Is there any macro or way to set the default quality setting for the HM8.
I want to set the qulity solver setting to Hypermesh.
1. Open the Tools pull-down menu.
- Select the Checks sub-menu, then Element Check Settings…
2. Under the heading 'Solver Settings', click the All Set To radio button.
3. Select the desired solver from the list box located to the right of the All Set To radio button.
4. Choose the method used to calculate element Minimum Length/Size.
5. Choose the method used to calculate element Jacobian values.
6. Click the 3-D tab to bring it to the forefront.
7. Choose the Method used to calculate 3-D element Minimum Length/Size.
8. Choose the Method used to calculate 3-D element Jacobian values.
9. Click Apply to finish the new settings.
These settings will be saved to hmmenu.set file and remain default as long as you dont delete the hmmenu.set file.