Segmentation Violation

I'm trying to run an implicit nlgeom analysis and keep running into the same Error Termination:
*** ERROR # 4002 ***
Running RADIOSS engine, 1 ERROR and 0 WARNINGs have been detected.
They are listed below.
| Segmentation Violation |
| + SOLUTION PHASE: Processor= 1/ 16
NLGEOM subcase 1, engine finished
The analysis contains 2D and 3D elements and two contact definitions. But the same error occures when I just use 3D elements.
Can anybody help me solve my problem?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Niwi,
Please share the all .out file(s) (you will also see <filename>_0000.out and _0001.out files in working directory) to check what the problem is.
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Somehow I'm not permitted to upload the files.
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Please use the dropbox link in the signature below to share the files.
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could you please share the model?
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Hello everybody,
I'm still struggling with my analysis. Any ideas so far?
Thanks in advance,
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Run it from a local drive instead of a network drive if that is what you are doing,
Try and reduce the element number if it is too large,
check the out file for more information about the error etc
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I did run it on a local drive and got the same Error message. The .out file dowosn't deliver any new clues, either.
It seems I'll have to try and reduce the model as much as possible.
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I don't really get the mistake. xi is allways ascending and there are no discontinuities, since yi doesn't have to be either continually ascending or descending.
But I guess I could try to work around this problem by using CONTNLSUBs.
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Nothing I tried did anything. The Error still occurs.
Do you have any other ideas?
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Hi niwi,
i've got segmentation Error because i forget to define the card images for components.
Greetings from Germany to Germany ;-)
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Could you share more information related to your problem.
What version of Hyperworks you are using to solve ?Screenshot of your model etc.
Rahul R
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Hi Niwi,
So I tried working on your model using HyperCrash/RADIOSS and found that there are lots of duplicate shell elements.
could you please check this?
I tried to delete the duplicates but these duplicate elements have the contact surfaces on them which requires re-modelling.
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Hi Prakash Pagadala,
thanks for the support. I will definitely check this and tell you the results.
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Hi Niwi,
Any solution you have obtained for the error 4001 (segmentation violation)?