Create Animations of ISO Plots

I have a results (.h3d) file created using the OptiStruct solver, and it's a topology optimization analysis of one geometry.
However I'd like to create an AVI video (or some animation) with steadily increasing element density values as viewed in the ISO plots (for the optimized topology). I want to do this for a series of element densities and 100 or 200 images created manually can be time consuming.
Does anyone have any tips on this?
You need to switch the animation mode to 'transient animation mode' in HyperView. Apply Countour/Iso plot the density and create the video e.g. over image capture toolbar (View --> toolbar --> image capture).
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Okay I will try that. Thanks a bunch
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@Prakash Pagadala Not sure what you meant by switching the animation mode to 'transient'.
It is still only creating videos where each frame is an iteration of the analysis.
I'd like it to be each frame is 0.01 increase in element density, at the last iteration.
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