Oil flow simulation in rotating gearbox

This type of simulation is possible in NanoFluidX, as it based upon Smoothened particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method.
AcuSolve is a FEM based solver that needs a mesh. Such gears,have a contact issue, where mesh based solvers would have problems. You'll have to go for NFX.
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Dear all,
I have not found a topic which deals with a simulation of oil flow in a gearbox in NanofluidX. I have prepared such a model which works fine. What I miss is a possibility to monitor how well the gears or bearings in the gearbox are oiled. Something like an average oil fraction on a surface. I would like to compare different oil levels and different geometrical variants of oil channels. For that I would need some quantification how well each model works. Paraview is good for visualisations, however I could not find any quantification factor (how many oil particles penetrate a specified section or block). Is there anyone who could help me with it?
Thank you in advance.
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It's probably best if you contact your local Altair or Reseller support team. They can put you in touch with the appropriate nanoFluidX support staff.