Creating window

I have fund this script for creating a window in hyperview
I am not able to figure out few things what are these following commands?? Where can I found help for these commands??
and what is following line means?
set types {
{{H3D File} {'.h3d' } }
{{OP2 File} {'.op2' } }
{{All Files} * }
And also what is mean by following commands (not from below script but found somewhere else)
set t [::post::GetT];
::post::GetPostHandle pst$t
And I am not able to find help for above commands
catch {namespace delete ::CaptureGIF}
namespace eval ::CaptureGIF {
variable str_master1 '';
variable str_master2 '';
variable str_master3 '';
variable str_master4 '';
variable ang_incr;
variable def_val;
proc ::CaptureGIF::MainGUI {} {
variable str_slave;
variable str_master1 '';
variable str_master2 '';
variable str_master3 '';
variable str_master4 '';
variable e1;
variable e2;
variable l1;
variable l2;
variable e3;
variable l3;
variable e4;
variable l4;
variable e5;
variable l5;
variable ang_incr;
variable def_val;set dlgWidth [ hwt::DluWidth 240 [ hwt::AppFont ]];
set dlgHeight [ hwt::DluHeight 250 [ hwt::AppFont ]];set min_dlgWidth [ hwt::DluWidth 240 [ hwt::AppFont ]];
set min_dlgHeight [ hwt::DluHeight 120 [ hwt::AppFont ]];hwt::CreateWindow win \
-minsize 200 100 \
-maxsize 1000 100 \
-noGeometrySaving \
-geometry ${dlgWidth}x${dlgHeight} \
-cancelButton Cancel \
-defaultButton Cancel \
-acceptButton Accept \
-minSize $min_dlgWidth $min_dlgHeight \
-acceptFunc '::CaptureGIF::StartProcess' \
-cancelFunc '::CaptureGIF::Cancel_func' \
-windowtitle 'Capture GIF' \
-post;#Create recess to hold frames
set recess [hwt::WindowRecess win];
set types {
{{H3D File} {'.h3d' } }
{{OP2 File} {'.op2' } }
{{All Files} * }
}grid columnconfigure $recess 1 -weight 1 ;
set l1 [::hwtk::label $recess.l1 -text 'Enter Animation end angle:']
set e1 [::hwtk::entry $recess.e1 -width 200 -takefocus 1 -textvariable ::CaptureGIF::str_master1];
grid $l1 -row 1 -col 0 -sticky w -padx 4 -pady 4;
grid $e1 -row 1 -col 1 -sticky e -padx 4 -pady 4;
$recess.e1 set 315;set l2 [::hwtk::label $recess.l2 -text 'Enter mode numbers :']
set e2 [::hwtk::entry $recess.e2 -width 200 -takefocus 1 -help 'Enter mode numbers separated by comma' -textvariable ::CaptureGIF::str_master2];
grid $l2 -row 2 -col 0 -sticky w -padx 4 -pady 4;
grid $e2 -row 2 -col 1 -sticky e -padx 4 -pady 4;
set l3 [::hwtk::label $recess.l3 -text 'Enter scaling factor :']
set e3 [::hwtk::entry $recess.e3 -width 200 -takefocus 1 -textvariable ::CaptureGIF::str_master3];
grid $l3 -row 3 -col 0 -sticky w -padx 4 -pady 4;
grid $e3 -row 3 -col 1 -sticky e -padx 4 -pady 4;
set l4 [::hwtk::label $recess.l4 -text 'Enter time delay :']
set e4 [::hwtk::entry $recess.e4 -width 200 -takefocus 1 -textvariable ::CaptureGIF::str_master4];
grid $l4 -row 4 -col 0 -sticky w -padx 4 -pady 4;
grid $e4 -row 4 -col 1 -sticky e -padx 4 -pady 4;
$recess.e4 set 0.9;
set increments
hwtk::label $recess.l5 -text 'Angular increments'
set ang_incr [hwtk::combobox $recess.cb5 -values $increments]
grid columnconfigure $recess 1 -weight 1
grid $recess.l5 -row 5 -col 0 -sticky w;
grid $recess.cb5 -row 5 -col 1 -sticky w -pady 4
$recess.cb5 set [lindex $increments 4]hwt::KeepOnTop win
You can find help for that on menu Help>Hyperworks Help Home
-> Hyperworks Tools -> Hyperworks GUI Toolkit
for 'types', it is file types used for tk_getOpenFile , refer to this command in tk manual
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thank you for reply
but I didnt find help for this command there
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try start-all program-altair hyperwork-tool
looking for hyperworks gui tool kit