AcuProj command error

hi I have got the static thermal simulation complete & now I want to use vel,pres,temp, eddy field from static thermal analysis for further analysis. I tried using acuproj command to write nodal initial condition (.nic) file. however its throwing some error as follows.
'data out of order: expected <nSpecs> found <mask> in binary file <ACUSIM.DIR/test_soln.1_150_0.rst> token <14> near <mask>'
can some one help resolve this problem & write .nic file
This error usually appears when using inconsistent versions of AcuSolve/AcuProj. Make sure your versions are the same.
Alternatively, you can perform a restart to continue your simulation with different settings and utilize the existing results as your initial condition.
Another option (as long as you aren't trying to interpolate between dissimilar meshes) is to simply use acuTrans to write the data out, then use those files as your initial conditions in the following run:
acuTrans -out -to table -outv node,velocityThis writes an ascii file that contains node id and velocity in it. Move the resulting file to problemName.vel.nic, then use it in your input file:
NODAL_INITIAL_CONDITION( velocity ){nodal_values = Read('problemName.vel.nic')
You'll need to repeat this process for your other variables (pressure, eddy viscosity, temperature).