Shape optimisation error

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I am doing the shape optimisation and I am getting the responce error.
H:/New folder (2)/Opti/sh2.fem
'DSYSID 1 Shapeopt'
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 4.
I have given the responce from... responses>response name> response type = static stress> Prop(select components,inlet,outlet,wall)> create.
But its not working.
Hi Swapnil,
How many do you have?
looks like there is no objective defined in your optimization problem.
please check.
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Hi Swapnil,
please share the file
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Hi ..
Can you share me the altair link where I can post the file.
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Hi Prakash,
I have sent it to your dropbox.