How to implement a pressure distribution on a plane ?

Hello Guys,
i have a pressure distribution depending on two coordinates. I have read the Study Guide, but this explanation wasnt good for me.
i have calculated the equation but i cant define the starting point.
Is anybody here who can give me a little HOW-To for Dummies? /emoticons/default_biggrin.png' alt=':D' srcset='/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Thank you very much for help
Thank You.
I Have only one Problem to create my distribution.
'at least two nodes defining a face are needed.
In the Description isnt a text whre i have to define 2 nodes. sry for that questin, but what i have to do know ?
p.s. how i can bring an image here in my text?0 -
Hi Codiak,
Face is what defines the surface on which you want to apply the pressure.
Pick any two nodes of the element(s) in which you are interested in.
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now the Values are overall zero ?
How can i pick up an image here ?0 -
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on my picture u can see my equation and on the label the value for my pressure. every element have the value 0 ?
BTW: thank you, now i know how i can attach a file/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
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Is anybody here who can explain what i ´ve done wrong `?