Access to Parameters defined in a GUI

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hey guys,


I've got the following tcl code:

 hwt::CreateWindow lala \ -windowtitle 'title' \ -noGeometrySaving \ -cancelButton Cancel \ -acceptButton Okey \ -acceptFunc applyFunction \ -defaultButton Accept \ -minsize 470 100 \ -post;  set recess [::hwt::WindowRecess lala]; set section2 [label $recess.section2 \ -text 'entry: ' \ -justify left \ -anchor nw \ -font [hwt::AppFont]];  pack $section2 -side top -anchor nw -pady 5; hwt::AddPadding $recess -side top -height [hwt::DluHeight 4];  set valueToPrint [ AddEntry $recess.frame2  label       'value:'  labelWidth  40   entryWidth  20  anchor   nw  validate    real  text 200  withoutPacking];  pack $valueToPrint -side top -anchor nw -pady 5;            AddPadding $recess.frame2 width 22 -side left;  EntryInsert $valueToPrint 7000;  proc applyFunction {args} {  tk_messageBox -message 'I don't know how to print the value :-('; }

Now, I'd like to print the Value  'valueToPrint'.

I tried

puts $valueToPrint, but it doesn't work. How can I get access to the parameter defined in the GUI?


Thanks for your help.


