Fetch base element ids of group elements

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I am currently writing a TCL script for Hypermesh software, I am stuck with a problem and thus I am writing to seek help.
The script reads all the group names from the imported abaqus input deck and creates node sets. But the problem is that in the node sets it doesn't include the second order nodes.
Thus I request you to kindly help me out by sharing a TCL query command or a script that will fetch the elements ids on which the group sits i.e when the groups are exported the output ABAQUS deck will be in the following format :
$ele_id ,S1
I want to know if there is any TCL query command using which I can fetch the tetrahedron element ids of a group from hypermesh ($ele_id).By using tetrahedron elements I mean to say the base elements on which the group elements sit.
Looking for a quick response.
Thanks ,
Rakshita Panchal
try *createmark elems 1 'by group id' $group_id
0 -
try *createmark elems 1 'by group id' $group_id
set elem_ids [hm_getmark elems 1]