Workflow: Importing data from a text file

The Text File Import block enables you to import data from a text file, for example a CSV file, into a Workflow. The following shows how to import a CSV file ( basketball_shots.csv ) saved in the Workbench workspace:

  1. Expand the Import group in the Workflow palette, then click and drag the Text File Import block onto the Workflow canvas.
  2. Double-click the Text File Import block to display the Configure Text File Import dialog box.
  3. In the Configure Text File Import dialog box, specify the required settings:
    1. Select Workspace as the File Location.
    2. Enter the Path for the file, for example /datasets/basketball_shots.csv, or click Browse to navigate to the project containing the file.
    3. In the Delimiter drop-down list, select Comma.
    4. The Preview panel is populated with the first rows of the dataset.
  4. Click OK to save the configuration and close the Configure Text File Import dialog box.

A green execution status is displayed in the Output port of the Text File Import block and the Output port of the Working Dataset. Double-click the Working Dataset to view the data from the text file: