Add and remove constraints during calculation

Using Altair Radioss, it is possible to define multiple Engine files (_0001.rad, 0002.rad…). It is a powerful feature, and some common applications include:


How to remove a boundary condition during calculation

We will use a simple model with two shell elements connected by a spring element to show how to add and remove a boundary condition during calculation.

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To remove the BCS during calculation we should use multiple engine files and an engine keyword called /BCSR. These are the BCSR cards available:

The simulation is going to be divided into two steps. In the first step, an initial velocity will be applied to the right element while the left element is constrained.

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Engine file for the first step:

First step animation:

After the results from the first step, we will create the second step of the simulation. To do this, we are going to create the second engine file with the following changes:

Full simulation animation:

As you can see, when the simulation changes from step 1 to step 2, the BCS of the left element is released, and it starts moving due to the spring force.

The model can be downloaded here: BCSR_Model


How to add a constraint during simulation

To show how to add a constraint during the simulation, we will use the same model as before, but this time we will remove the constraint on the left element during the first step.

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To add the BCS during calculation we should use multiple engine files and an engine keyword called /BCS. These are the BCS cards available:

Multiple engine files are used to split the simulation into two steps. In the first step, an initial velocity is applied to the right element while the left element is free. In the second step, the left element is constrained.

Engine file for the first step:

Animation for the first step:

After the result from the first step, we will create the second step of the simulation. To do this, we are going to create the second engine file with the following changes:

Full simulation animation:

As you can see, when the simulation changes from step 1 to step 2, the left element stops moving due to the /BCS added.

The model can be downloaded here: BCS_Model

More information about the engine keywords BCS and BCSR can be found here: Documentation BCS and BCSR


This article was originally created by Nobuyuki Fukuoka, and the Japanese version can be found here