Post Hole Digger: EDEM-OS Two Way Coupling
Background: A post hole digger is a drilling tool that uses a rotating helical blade to drill holes into the ground/soil. It's also known as a tractor screw auger or earth auger: The auger has a metal blade or bit with a helical, spiral shape The blade rotates, acting like a screw to pull material upward as it drills into…
Modelling Brake Dust in EDEM
The environment is an increasingly important concern today and no economy is unaffected. Brake dust particle emission is becoming more and more important during brake development due to upcoming legislation and manufacturer responsibility to develop “green products”. As braking is a complex process, depending on speed,…
Light Armored Vehicle Off-Roading and Rough RoadSimulations with MotionSolve,EDEM, and Twin Activate
Download Model Files Light armored vehicles (LAVs) are versatile military vehicles with a balance of mobility and armor. LAVs can operate on-road and off-road in harsh environments. Off-road environments can range from hot, dry deserts to rocky mountain environments to cold, icy tundras. The harsh terrains necessitate a…
Compare and Evaluate Various Bulk Material Behavior Over Dozer Blade Using EDEM-OS, 2-Way Coupling
Background: Bulldozers are earthmoving machine used in numerous industries and applications, including construction, mining, agriculture and landscaping. They were originally used by farmers as tractors to plow and clear land. Over time, dozers have evolved to accommodate a variety of environments and applications with…
EDEM-Optistruct 2-Way Coupling for Battery
EDEM-Optistruct 2-Way Coupling for Battery EDEM은 선도적인 입자 해석(DEM) 소프트웨어로, 분말, 과립, 입자 물질의 거동을 정확히 모델링할 수 있습니다. Optistruct는 유한 요소 해석(FEA) 솔버로 구조 분석 및 최적화를 지원하며, 특히 복잡한 구조적 문제를 해결하는 데 강력합니다. 이 두 기술의 2-Way Coupling은 다음을 가능하게 합니다: 입자-구조 간 실시간 상호작용 모델링. 입자가 구조에 가하는 힘과 이에 따른 구조의 변형 시뮬레이션. 구조 변형이 입자의 거동에 미치는 영향까지 분석.…
Simulating Tillage Using EDEM Simulations
Simulating soils with EDEM simulations is important in the agricultural industry due to the scale and complexity of real-world applications. Physical testing can be time consuming and often not feasible to replicate under the exact same conditions. Why Simulate Tillage? There are several factors that need to be understood,…
Modeling a Cone Penetrometer Test using EDEM
1. IntroductionThe Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) is commonly used to characterize mechanical soil properties and often finds application in agricultural and geotechnical engineering. Also, calibration of DEM parameters against CPT results is often considered for modeling and analysis of equipment-soil interactions in…
CFD DEM Modelling of a Cyclone Separator
A cyclone separator is a mechanical device that uses the principle of centrifugal force to remove particulates from air, gas or liquid stream without the use of filters. It is often employed in industrial processes to separate dust or other unwanted materials from fluid streams efficiently. Modelling these systems helps in…
Structural Strength of Dozer Using EDEM-OS-2Way Co-Simulation
Background: Bulldozers are earthmoving machine used in numerous industries and applications, including construction, mining, agriculture and landscaping. They were originally used by farmers as tractors to plow and clear land. Over time, dozers have evolved to accommodate a variety of environments and applications with…
Dump Truck Structural Strength: EDEM-OS-2Way Co-Simulation
Background: A dump truck is a vehicle used to transport bulk materials, such as dirt, gravel, demolition waste, or coal. Dump trucks are used in a variety of industries for material handling, including construction, mining and quarrying A dump truck has an open-box bed that tilts or opens at the rear for…
EDEM API - Contact Model Example: Hertz-Mindlin
Overview Attached is the source code for the Hertz-Mindlin model using version 3.7 of the API. Please note this is Hertz-Mindlin only, for rolling friction please add a rolling friction model from the EDEM GUI. The source code consists of the CPU-API code updated to version 3.7 and the GPU-API code supplied as the file…
How to use EDEM Batch Commands
Hi Altair EDEM community Running EDEM via command prompt is a very powerful way of running and exporting data efficiently. For automated analysis of multiple cases, not just data export, you can look at EDEMpy and we have examples of these in the EDEM calibration kits. For optimisation of multiple runs we can look at the…
EDEM Application Tutorial 3100: Slatted Conveyor with Concave Polyhedrals
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 3100 Slatted Conveyor with Concave Polyhedrals.zip Tutorial Overview In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a family of equal parts that move in the same trajectory but with a delay from each other. This is important to easily created many geometries moving in a…
EDEM Application Tutorial 3200: Mixing Efficiency in a Tablet Coater
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 3200 Mixing In Tablet Coater.zip Mixing Efficiency in a Tablet Coater Tutorial Overview A simulation of mixing with focus on post-processing abilities of EDEM. Visualizing mixing efficiency through particle representation Analyzing particles in Grid Bin Groups Analyzing…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2400: Heat Transfer
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 2400 Heat Transfer.zip EDEM Conductive Heat Transfer Tutorial The focus of this tutorial is on: Model Heat transfer through conduction between hot and cold particles Heat transfer through conduction from Geometry Color particles according to temperature Add text to the…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2500: Bonding V2
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link * EDEM 2500 Bonding V2.zip Tutorial Overview * Hertz-Mindlin with bonding contact model version 2 * Particle contact radius setup and definition * Creation of a Meta Particle * Setting Meta Particle size distribution * Meta Particle post-processing Model Overview Creation…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2300: Printer Simulation with Electrostatics and Tribocharging
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 2300 Electrostatics and Tribocharging Printer.zip Tutorial Overview Contact model with Electrostatics Long range electrostatic force and Tribocharging capabilities Adding charge to parts of the geometry Generation of linear graph to see the increase of charge on the…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2200 : Linear Elastic Bonded Model
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 2200 LEBM Unconfined Compression.zip EDEM Linear Elastic Bonded Model (LEBM) Tutorial The focus of this tutorial is on: Using the LEBM contact model Setting up and defining the Particle contact radius Using Volume Packing Displaying and analyzing the bonds between…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2100: Tavares Breakage for SAG Mill
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link SAG Mill Breakage Tutorial Overview The simulation shows the breaking of larger rocks due to impacts and grinding of smaller particles. Specification of mill dynamics (rotational movement) Creation of breakable materials Creation of dummy particles Set up the Tavares breakage…
EDEM Physics Model Tutorial 2000: Tablet Press Model
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 2000 EEPA Tablet Press.zip EDEM Tablet Press Tutorial Overview This tutorial demonstrates the capabilities of the Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion (EEPA) contact model through the simulation of a pharmaceutical tablet press. The main concepts investigated here are:…
Introduction to EDEM Tutorial 1200: Rock Box
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 1200 Rock Box.zip EDEM Conveyor Rock Box Tutorial Overview Set-up of a simulation in EDEM with a focus on post-processing. The tutorial script is divided into two parts for EDEM Classroom and Professional edition. Mixed shape solver (Polyhedral particles + multi-sphere…
Introduction to EDEM Tutorial 1000: Conveyor
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF EDEM 1000 Conveyor.zip This tutorial details the set-up of a simulation and covers the following EDEM functions: Creation of Particle and Geometry materials Creation of Particles with a User Defined Size distribution Creation of a MultiSphere Particle Prototype. The multi-sphere particle…
Introduction to EDEM Tutorial 1100: Screw Auger
Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link EDEM 1100 Screw Auger.zip EDEM Screw Auger Tutorial Overview This tutorial details the set-up of simulation and explanation of main functions of EDEM. Defining the domain Linear rotation of geometry Analysis of particles' velocity and contact forces Setup of Simulator Queries…
EDEM-HyperStudy Connector: Installers and User Guide
Overview The new connector is a plugin for Altair HyperStudy that enables the setting of various Altair EDEM parameters directly via a simple and intuitive workflow. The connector also allows an easier connection with Altair HyperMesh for geometry optimization and DEM-CFD coupling projects. Access to the parameters for…
EDEM API - Contact Model Example: Model to track particle-geometry contacts
Overview API model to track particles which come into contact with named geometries, which some of you might find useful for visualizing. The API GUI holds the name of the geometries which you are interested in knowing whether a particle contacted them or not. If a particle contacted one of the geometries in the GUI, it…