EDEM Calibration Kits

Elis Bright_20685
New Altair Community Member
The EDEM calibration kit is a collection of EDEM models of bulk solids characterisation tests that are commonly used to provide benchmark measurements for EDEM material model calibration and the associated EDEMpy post-processing scripts that automate the results extraction from these tests.
More information about the calibration kits can be found here.
Additional information about EDEM material model calibration can be found here.
Calibration Kits:
- EDEM 2022.2 (EDEMpy1.1.0)
- EDEM 2022.3 (EDEMpy1.2.0)
- EDEM 2023.0 (EDEMpy1.3.0)
- EDEM 2023.1 (EDEMpy1.4.0)
Usage/Installation Instructions
The documentation on the usage of the scripts can be found under each respective calibration kit.