Altair Solutions for vehicle assessment according to STANAG regulation V17


This project presents the Altair solutions for vehicle assessment according to the STANAG regulation.




This article includes:

  • a ready-to-use Altair Radioss model of the STANAG buried mine
    • Altair Radioss version is V2022.3
    • The Unit System is in g, mm, ms, MPa
    • This model deals with levels 2, 3 and 4 of the STANAG regulation.
  • Altair HyperWorks session files to allow fast analysis of the simulation
  • A full methodological report with:
    • a video to explain how to use the model
    • detailed description of the model 
    • the validation of the mine model (NEW !)
    • an overview of how to assess biomechanical Safety Criteria with the Hybrid III 50th percentile dummy with MIL_LX leg (NEW !)


The protection of military vehicles is evaluated according to a document produced by NATO countries called STANAG for Standardization Agreement. STANAG 4569 is about the protection Levels for Occupants of Logistic and Light Armored Vehicles. Several levels of threats are referenced up to 10 kg of TNT equivalent. A reference soil called STANAG soil is defined.

Usage/Installation Instructions

Refer to the Altair Solutions for vehicle assessment according to STANAG regulation V17.ppsx attached to this project.

In order to calculate the DRIz criteria, the Digital Twin provided in the following knowledge base article can be used.