WinProp Capabilites for Automotive Radar Scenarios

Two Automotive Radar scenarios are:

  1. Stationary Scenario. Typically with an “indoor” database representing a geometry with stationary objects (street, guardrail, cars, van) cars are typically part of the database, both the Tx antenna pattern and Rx antenna pattern are considered and connected to the same car. Standard Ray Tracing is often used to compute received power at the RX and at some other number of points if needed.
  2. Non-Stationary Scenario. Typically with an “indoor” database representing a geometry with first stationary objects (street, guardrail, cars, van), and then to add the time-variance (trajectory plus speed) for the moving cars/van. Cars are typically part of the database, transmitter and receiver both can move with cars; The Tx antenna pattern is considered but so far it is not possible to consider the Rx antenna pattern. Time Variance for this application is defined in WallMan; Standard Ray Tracing is often used to compute received power the RX and at some other number of points if needed.