Using a local MinIO installation as an S3 compatible object store.

An S3 compatible object store is used by Altair SLC Hub to store results and artifact data and should be backed up to prevent data loss. The S3 store can be set up on the same server as Altair SLC Hub using a local MinIO installation. The following guide describes how to install and configure MinIO on either a Linux server or Microsoft Windows server.

Configuration of the MinIO Server for use with Altair SLC Hub requires Administration permissions to the machine on which the server is installed

Using MinIO on Linux systems

Altair SLC Hub is supported on is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and binary compatible distributions such as Alma Linux. The MinIO Server installer (RPM) needs to be obtained from the MinIO download page. Navigate to that page and download and install the latest MinIO Server. Installation instructions are available from minio-service at github.

Following MinIO installation:

Once the MinIO service is running, usage logs can be viewed using the journalctl command, for example:
journalctl -u minio

Using MinIO on Microsoft Windows

The MinIO Server for windows is distributed as a single executable rather than as a Windows installer. The executable can be obtained from the from the MinIO download page. Download the binary for the MinIO Server and store it in a suitable directory. It is not recommended that the MinIO executable be placed in the Altair SLC Hub installation directory. Installation instructions are available from minio-service at github.

Following MinIO installation:

Once the service is running, the minio.wrapper.log, minio.out.log, and minio.err.log files are written to the log subdirectory of the Altair SLC Hub ProgramData folder.