This advanced guided example teaches you how you can use HyperStudy to calibrate an electromagnetic propagation model in WinProp.

An electromagnetic propagation model in WinProp has several parameters that depend on details of the buildings as well as the antenna height relative to buildings. Examples of such parameters are path-loss exponents and interaction losses. The default parameters are good, but not perfect for every situation. If measurements are available then those can be used to adjust the propagation-model parameters to the given scenario. This is called calibration of the propagation model. Calibration procedures exist in WinProp itself, but not for every parameter. In this guided example, you will learn how to use HyperStudy in combination with WinProp for propagation model calibration.

Furthermore, the techniques you learn in this and accompanying examples enable you to combine WinProp and HyperStudy for other optimizations of interest.