RapidMiner Machine Learning Introduction Course - training materials 2-2023

RapidMiner Machine Learning Introduction

Altair has vision to make data analytics simple enough for all users, but scalable, governed, and safe enough for all enterprises. RapidMiner is the enterprise-ready data science platform that amplifies the collective impact of your people, expertise and data for breakthrough competitive advantage.

During this Introduction Course for RapidMiner Machine Learning our goal is to cover both theory and hands-on practice with the basic techniques for building correctly validated Machine Learning Models. We will be reviewing some of the most common model types and how to build RapidMiner processes to train and evaluate those models. The course is designed to help one prepare for the Machine Learning Professional Exam. We will not be covering the answers to all questions on the exam, instead we ask you to take ownership for learning, understanding, and practicing the topics that we outline.

Required – Install RapidMiner Studio and make sure you can open it. Recommended – Look at the Getting Started series on RapidMiner Academy
* Please find attached to this Blog Post the Zip File containing the sample files for all the processes and the DS that will be used during the training sessions.