Quick Reference Sheet describing the different TEMPLATE Types when one is "Trapping" Data. Data Extraction Made Easy with Monarch

Altair Monarch Data Extraction Made Easy

Please Download the Quick Reference Sheet attached that displays an example of how you can capture data in seconds and build a reusable trapping Models/Workspaces utilizing Altair Monarch.

Altair makes data extraction from PDF, text, or legacy reports visual and straight-forward.  

When first bringing in the Report/File into Monarch, it will launch into REPORT DESIGN.   You are presented with a visual rendering of the Report which provides one the opportunity to determine the data to extract/capture.  As one is selecting the Fields, a PREVIEW of the Extracted Data within a Table Format are displayed in the lower half of the Report Design Window while the visual rendering of the report is viewable in the upper half. 

TRAP LINE: this is where one will set the Pattern to identify the line(s) for the Template they are creating. 

SAMPLE TEXT:  A reference used to build the 'trap' and select the fields looking to extract from the file/report


