OptiStruct Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) for Exterior Acoustics

[Use Case]

User wishes to calculate sound pressure at microphone locations as a result of sound propagating through sections of the fluid domain and through panels. This allows the user to understand the fidelity of various vibrating sound sources, such as speakers, e-motors and engines, as it allows prediction of radiated noise.

The APML method has excellent accuracy similar to the Infinite Elements (IE) method, while it typically exhibits improved performance due to frequency banding.

[What can you do with OptiStruct]

OptiStruct supports 3 major approaches for prediction of quantities such as external and radiated noise in vibro-acoustic problems. These include:

  1. Radiated Sound Analysis (RADSND)
  2. Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML) -> Available since OptiStruct 2022.1
  3. Acoustic Infinite Elements (IE)

Infinite Elements were already covered in detail in the previous article authored by Rajiv. This article authored by Rajiv will focus on the new APML approach. 

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