New and Improved capabilities common to all clients in the new HyperWorks 2022 user interface

Lets take a look at some of the important new and improved capabilities common to all clients in the new HyperWorks user interface

View Cube

Use the view cube for easy model orientation.


Use to toolbelt to quickly access frequently used tools in HyperWorks.



The Extensions infrastructure provides the main entry point for custom content.

Command Recording

HyperWorks Command (HWC) language coverage, which allows you to record and playback workflows in HyperGraph, has been expanded to support the following features. Tasks performed using these features are recorded in the HWC syntax and can be logged in HWC or Tcl syntax on the file system. The command line supports auto-completion and interactive help, and allows easy modification and re-execution of commands.

Dark Theme

Use the dark theme to reduce your eye stress.

HyperWorks Report

Create, define, and export reports.

One Click Report

For Model Summary and Session Report


Automatic Report Generation

Create flexible reports of your sessions using custom or default templates.


Altair Pulse is a low-code environment to construct and orchestrate engineering workflows involving many software tools from different sources.

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