Monarch Learning Series 2023 Exercise 9 - AP Expense Report Analysis

Exercise Info

Exercise Overview

You are an Accounts Payable Accountant at a Software Company and you need to analyze 3 months worth of expense reports to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Total Expense in USD for the 3 Expense Reports (2016-12, 2017-01, 2017-02)? (HINT: You will need to convert any expenses not in USD by using the Currency Rate Pair.xlsx file and creating Formula field for the USD rate for the non-USD expenses)
  2. Who are the Top 3 Employees that spent the most on any Expense that contains
    • "Travel"
    • "Taxi"
    • "Airfare"
    • "Airline Fees"
    • "Hotel"?
  3. Who are the Top 3 Employees that spent the most on any Expense that contains
    • "Lunch"
    • "Breakfast"
    • "Dinner"?

Exercise Answer

Not sure you got the correct answer? No problem. Watch the video below for a demonstration of this exercise from start to finish.