MEDITECH - GL Detail Trial Balance vs Data Repository

Meditech Expanse is a best-in-class Electronic Health Record system that enables the management of patient records, clinical data, payroll, facilities, and revenue cycle integrity for a healthcare provider. Meditech Expanse consists of many modules that support these operations such as:

For example; within the General Ledger module, there are over 30 reports that are critical to the management of financial accounting operations such as the Detail Trail Balance, Summary Trial Balance, and Period Comparison.

With Monarch, a healthcare provider can accelerate the capture of data from reports and combine or compare it against Financial Desktop Extracts in Excel or CSV format, Data Repository SQL Tables, and many other sources to fulfill their business needs.

In this example we have a fictional sample of the GL Detail Trial Balance report. This reports can be used to:

In this brief example we’re going to demonstrate how Monarch can quickly extract the data from this report and compare it against a SQL Server table of the Data Repository in order to identify variances in some Accounts Payables transactions for a given time frame.

Monarch Data Prep Studio has a pre-built Workspace that contains the data connections for these sources. Here is the SQL server table of the AP transactions in Data Repository, and these are the Monarch model locations where we can drop in the GL Detail Trial Balance report to extract the data and compare it against the Data Repository.