Matrix Browser Capabilities

Below you will find an overview of the functions and examples supported by the Matrix Browser:

Note: The Matrix Browser does not allow for the creation of new HyperMesh entities. The tool queries and modifies existing entity data. The browser also does not allow extensive geometry (lines, surface, solids) data query. It is intended for FE data and results that are already in the HyperMesh/HyperView databases.

Attached you will find instructions and HyperMesh files for each topic.

1 Introduction to Matrix

Instructions: Introduction_to_Matrix_Browser .pdf



2 Examples of Matrix Browser for Pre-Processing

2.1 Renaming Components.

This task is an example of renaming some components

Instructions: Renaming_components.pdf



2.2 Modify the HyperMesh data.

This task is an example of changing node positions using the model browser.

Instructions: Change_node_position.pdf



2.3 Query Data and capabilities for process automation.

This task is an example of accessing information about the properties and materials of components.

Instructions: QueryData_macro_capability.pdf



2.4 Query Data and capabilities for contour data in Hypermesh.

This task is an example of contouring K-line information from CBUSH elements.

Instructions: QueryData_macro_contour_data.pdf

Model: Model:


2.5 Create new procedures (macros) to enable automation with Tcl.

This task is a procedure to count the number of elements based on the selected component.

Instructions: Creating_User_Data_Procedure.pdf

Model: Model:

TCL: Element_count.tcl; Include name.tcl


2.6 Combining HyperMesh data with user data as input and using equation.

This task is an example of modifying pressure loads with the loading equation

Instructions: Create_user_data_and_equation.pdf



2.7 Create user data as input and export it as a result file (ASCII-Format).

This task is an example of importing user data (stress and thickness) from a .csv file into Matrix Browser and creating result file to bring user data into HyperView for postprocessing.

Instructions: Export_user_data_as_result_file.pdf

Model: wing_frame.fem;



3 Examples of Matrix Browser for Post-Processing

3.1 Query HyperView data and export to an Excel file.

Instructions: Query_HV_data_export_to_Excel.pdf

Model: wing_frame.fem

Result: wing_frame.op2


3.2 Query Max/Min Results for Components/Sets/Materials/Property.

Instructions: Query_Max_Min_Results_Comp.pdf

Model: wing_frame.fem

Result: wing_frame.op2


3.3 Combining HyperView data with user data as input and using Excel Spreadsheets Math in Postprocessing.

Instructions: Create_user_data_and_Excel_Math.pdf

Model: wing_frame.fem

Result: wing_frame.op2