Hydrostatic Pressure-PLOADSF in OptiStruct

Hydrostatic Pressure-PLOADSF

Parameters of pressure loads on a surface defined by a SURF Bulk Data Entry or SET Bulk Data Entry.

1. Hydrostatic Pressure-Model Setup                                                                                                     

A Cylindrical tank is modeled, where top is open.

Material and property are defined in the model.

Material – Steel

Property – PSHELL

Thickness – 1 mm

1.1 Constraint

Ground Nodes of the Cylindrical tank is constrained in all DOF.

1.2 Setup

PLOADSF is accessed by the search option (Ctrl+f) and load collector can be edited by the solver browser.

Set Segment with Card image SURF is selected for the element that need to apply the hydrostatic pressure.

P1- Pressure load (MPa)

CID – Local system to define the Z axis 

Z0 & Z1 are co-ordinates points of Z axis

Z0 - Define the initial point (i.e) Zero pressure

Z1 – Define the point where P1 load is applied

In-between Z0 & Z1 pressure value will linearly interpolate.

Hydrostatic pressure is given by the equation since the pressure at the top surface will be less and it goes on increases as it reaches ground.

A close up of a logoDescription automatically generated

Pressure is given by equation ρ*g*h

Water property are taken

Density – 1.09e-9 Ton/mm3

Gravity – 9.81e+3 mm/s2

Height – it based on the axis

Pressure = 1.09e-9*9.81e+3*y


Note: Y value in the equation is based on the origin. We can also create a system coordinates and can mentioned in the system.

1.3 Results