How to Map the Displacement Results from One Model to the Nodes of a More Detailed Model

Question: Is it possible to map the displacement results from one model to the nodes of more detailed model? 

Answer: Yes, using the load mapping tool you can map the displacement results from one model to the nodes of more detailed model.

Following are the steps to accomplish this:

Step 1: Export the results as *.txt file.

  1. View the displacement results of the base model. 

  1. Open File > Export > Results. 

  1. In the Export results dialog, set Fields as X, Y, Z values and enable Text file as the export option.  

  1. Select the bodies of the base model and click OK to export the results as *.txt file. 

Step 2: Map the results to the new model.

  1. Open the Load mapping tool in Analysis > Tools > Mapping. 

  1. In the load mapping tool, set the Method as Data Table and Data Type as Enforced Displacement 

  1. Select the Import option to import the *.txt file that was exported in the previous step. 

  1. Make sure to set the units system as the one in which the results file is exported. In this case set the units system as MMKS (mm kg N s). 

  1. Select the bodies of the detailed model to map the displacement results and enable the Create Load option to create the “Enforced Constraint” load. 

  1. Click Map Data to map the results.