How to describe passive solid conductors in 2D plan applications?

A passive solid conductor region is not associated with a component of an electric circuit coupled with the field problem. In this case the electric currents flowing inside, called induced or eddy currents, are the result of the electromagnetic induction phenomenon only.

In 2D plan applications, passive solid conductors are described using the “No circuit” option in the region definition.

Two “no-circuit” situations can be modelled in Flux. The user must define the situation that he wishes to model. For that it is necessary to ask the following question: is the current that crosses this surface region perpendicularly to the plan of the figure mono- or bi-directional ?

If the current is… 
Then select…

It means that the induced current crosses the surface region perpendicularly to the plan of the figure and closes « outside » of the finite elements computation domain

No circuit (open-circuit conductor)

It means that the induced current develops inside the solid conductor region and closes « inside » this conductor region

No circuit (short-circuited conductor)