How to Contribute to the Monarch Model Library (Altair Exchange)

How to Contribute  to the Monarch Model Library (Altair Exchange)

These 6 Videos walk-through the process of how to prepare files for sharing on the Altair Exchange. Please make sure that any models you share are void of any confidential or proprietary information, and that you have approval (where necessary) to share with a public audience.


1 of 6: Introduction


2 of 6: How to Prepare Models and Workspaces


3 of 6: How to Prepare Models and Workspaces - Check Filters, Formulas, Summaries



4 of 6: How to Redact a Report for Sharing


5 of 6: How to Upload a Model to Model Library (Altair Exchange)


6 of 6: How to Find Your Uploaded Content in the Community