How to Borrow and Return Licenses from Altair License Utility

Licenses can be borrowed by client machines that are intermittently connected to the network.

When the licenses are borrowed, the client machine can be disconnected from the network and will be able to run the applications for as long as the borrowed license is valid.

When the licenses are borrowed from the license server or Managed licenses, these licenses remain checked out and unavailable to other clients until the borrowing period expires or the licenses are returned.

Borrowing Licenses

  1. From Windows Start Menu > ALMUtil > Borrowing.   

  1. For Hours, enter the number of hours the licenses need to be borrowed.
  2. Click Borrow. A dialogue box appears


  1. Once the borrow mode begins, all the applications required to be borrowed need to be opened (E.g: Hypermesh, Hyperview) 

In the case of a Solver, the solver required for borrowing needs to be selected from the Compute Console (Optistruct, Radioss) a sample model should be run and wait till the analysis is complete.  

  1. After borrowing all the required features click End Borrow Mode.
  2. Once the Borrow Mode is Ended the applications Borrowed would be visible as below.

Note: In the above example, although 30 licenses will be borrowed from the license server, HyperGraph cannot be run on the client with a borrowed license, as the application was not explicitly borrowed. 


Returning Borrowed Licenses Early

To return a borrowed license before the borrowing period expires:


Make sure that ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH in case of Server Based License is set to contain the machine from which the licenses were borrowed. And the machine should be connected to Network in case of Managed License

  1. Reconnect the client machine to the network from the same client machine that borrowed the license.
  2. From Start Menu > ALMUtil.
  3. Click Return.