How Can I Set a Limit in a Job Class? (NetworkComputer)

To set a limit in a job class, review the following code example:

set classDescription "A template for a FOO class"
set classEditable     1
lappend VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) License:FOO
lappend VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) Limit:FOO_@USER@
lappend VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) Limit:FOO_@GROUP@
lappend VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) CPUS/1 percent/1 RAM/20
proc initJobClass {} {
     # Executed by vovresourced at startup.
     # vtk_resourcemap_set License:FOO 8
     # vtk_flexlm_monitor FOO License:FOO
     # Revoke requested/not-used resources after 2 minutes.
     vtk_jobclass_set_revocation_delay "FOO" 2m
     # Warn after 2h, kill after 4h of idleness.
     vtk_jobclass_set_idle_delays    "FOO" 2h 4h
     vtk_jobclass_set_max_reschedule "FOO"  2
         Fri,Sat,Sun {
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@USER@  3
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@GROUP@ 5
         20:30-24:00,0:00-5:30 {
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@USER@  1
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@GROUP@ 2
         default {
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@USER@  1
             vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:FOO_@GROUP@ 2