Hosted Licensing Alternative Authorization Guide

Usage of Altair’s hosted licensing system requires the machine to be authorized. Typically this is done per-user via the licensing dialog in one of our GUI applications using the user’s Altair One credentials.

This guide is meant to cover some other scenarios where this method is not well suited. Including shared systems, HPC environments, and machines where only non-graphical or APA applications are used and authorization via Altair One credentials is not readily available.

Proxy Setup

If you need a proxy to connect to the internet you should do that first. Proxy settings can be configured using the almutil command line application, e.x.:

$ almutil -proxy -host -port 8080

AltairLM End-user Utility v14.5.3 build 210380 (Aug 27 2020)

Copyright (C) 2020 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.

Please see the almutil usage (run command with no options) for additional options.

Note: On Windows, one may also set the environment variable ALM_HHWU_USE_WININET=1 and the system proxy settings will be used.

Obtain an Authorization Code

Navigate to Altair’s Admin Portal ( and login with your Altair One credentials.

Select: User Profile > View My Authorized Machines

Then click on the Generate Auth Code button on the upper right. You will see a box with your authorization code along with a timer showing how long it is valid for, ex:

The code is good for 15 minutes. You will use this authorization code in one or more of the following steps.

Authorization with Almutil (CLI)

Per User

Using the authorization code obtained in above step, you can run the almutil command line app to authorize your user account:

$ almutil -hhwuauth -code 464XPUXB

AltairLM End-user Utility v14.5.3 build 210380 (Aug 27 2020)

Copyright (C) 2020 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.

Successfully authorized this machine with the Hosted HWU system.

This will write an authorization token to your per-user configuration file.

System Wide

As a super user (root on Linux and macOS, administrator command prompt on Windows) you can also specify the -system option to almutil to authorize the entire system:

# almutil -hhwuauth -code 464XPUXB -system

AltairLM End-user Utility v14.5.3 build 210380 (Aug 27 2020)

Copyright (C) 2020 Altair Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.

Successfully authorized this machine with the Hosted HWU system.

This will write an authorization token to a system wide configuration file. Altair applications running as any user on this system will read this file to look for configuration information.

Alternative Configuration Location

Both per user and system wide authorizations have default locations where they store configuration information depending on the operating system. If you would like to use a configuration file in a different location you can set the environment variable ALM_HHWU_CONFIG to a directory to read/write configuration information, e.g:

export ALM_HHWU_CONFIG=/scratch/hosted_configuration_dir