Define Time/Frequency Dependent Excitation Load

In this article you will learn how to define a time/frequency dependent excitation load.

  1. Define the force load from the Analysis ribbon by selecting Loads and Constraints > Force and Moment
  2. Define the excitation load from the Analysis ribbon by selecting Loads and Constraint > Excitation.
  3. You will then link the amplitude table and Force load as shown below.

The “Frequency – Amplitude” table is a generic table format.

Based on the analysis type, it will be treated as “Freq vs Amp” or “Time vs Amp”.

For the Transient modal analysis: It is treated as time-based and written out

TLOAD1 – TABLED1 (Time-based).

For the Modal frequency analysis: It's treated as frequency-based and written out

RLOAD1 -TABLED1 (Freq based)

For the Non-Linear Transient analysis: There is no need to link the loads with the dynamic table through the Excitation load. Loads (Pressure, Force, Enforce constrain) with the Amplitude table will export DLOAD and TLOAD1.